Juan Antonio Suárez: Andy Warhol
II Course: Introduction to Contemporary Art
Speaker Juan Antonio Suarez, professor of the English Department of the University of Murcia.
Monday, 30th Aprill. 19'30 h.
Juan Antonio Suárez holds a M.A and a PHD in Comparative Literature by Indiana University (EEUU). He has been a guest lecturer in the Department of Cienema Studies at New York University. He is a lecturer of Northamerican Literature at the University of Murcia. He has many publications on literary and visual avant-garde, contemporary aesthetics, queer theories studies and experimental cinema. He is the author of Bike Boys, Drag Queens and Superstars: Avant-Garde, Mass culture and Gay Identities in the 1960s Underground Cinema (Indiana University Press) and Pop Modernism: Noise and the Reinvention of the Everyday (University of Illinois Press, Forthcoming). He has collaborated with magazines such as New Literary History, Journal of American Studies and ÖZG: Österreichische Zeitung für Geschichtswissenschaffen and he has written for essay collections like Experimental Cinema: The Film Reader (Routledge 2002) and Film and Television After 9/11 (Southern Illinois University Press 2004).