Cycle Ex-Courses. Geographies of Contemporary Art
Tuesday, 16th of January. 19´30h.
Alberto Ruiz de Samaniego is a professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts at the University of Vigo. He is a cultural critic, an art curator and a translator. He hols a Phd in Philosophy and a Master in Aesthetics and Theory of Arts from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He has published many books and he has collaborated with several publications and magazines such as Arte y Parte, Revista de Occidente, Lápiz, Diario 16, El Correo Gallego and Exit. Art critic of ABC Cultural. He has curated several exhibitions including Antón Lamazares and Manuel Vilariño, as well as different collective exhibitions of contemporary art (La Isla Futura: arte joven cubano, Arte y nihilismo, 5.000 años de arte moderno). He will be the curator of the Spanish pavilion in the next Venice Biennale.