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Hans Belting: Anthropology of Images. Problems of Visual Culture

Hans Belting
Anthropology of Images. Problems of Visual Culture
November 4-6

Hans Belting  has been Professor of Art History at the universities of Hamburg, Heidelberg, Munich, Harvard  and Columbia. Since 1992 he has taught Art History and Media Theory at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe.  His books have been widely translated, including, in English, " The Image and its Public in the Middle Ages" (Caratzas, 1990); "The End of the History of Art?" (University of Chicago Press, 1987); "Max Beckmann. Modern Painting and Tradition" (Timken, 1989); "Likeness and Presence. A History of the Image Before the Era of Art" (University of Chicago Press,1994); "The Germans and their Art. A Difficult Heritage" (Yale University Press, 2000); "The Invisible Masterpiece" (University of Chicago Press, 2001) and  "Art History after Modernism "(University of Chicago Press, 2003).

In this seminar Hans Belting will analyse several kinds of images, from those devoted to the cult of the dead in Antiquity,  to contemporary “virtual” images, via the photograph and the theory of shadows in Dante. He will focus his argument on the practice of images, establishing a paradigm that is different from those centred on techniques for the production of images, or on their history.

Information and registration

Languages of the seminar: English and Spanish. (English with simultaneous translation into Spanish).
Capacity: 150 people

Fee: 30 € Professionals, 15€ Students, Free for holders of an  "Amigo del Cendeac" card.

To register on-line it is NECESSARY to fill out the application form and to make a payment to CAJAMURCIA  Bank, account number 2043 0090 32 0200550928, specifying as concept  AESTHETICS, and to SEND a copy of the payment receipt to the following address:

Madre Elisea Oliver Molina, s/n.
Pabellón 5. Antiguo Cuartel de Artillería
Postal code 30002
Murcia, Spain