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Iconoclasm and Iconolatry. Image, Terrorism and Blindness.

14/10/2008 – 16/10/2008

Iconoclasm and Iconolatry. Image, Terrorism and Blindness.
 Seminar devised by the journal Brumaria (Darío Corbeira y Carlos Jiménez)
October 14/16

This course will attempt to carry out, over the course of three days, a public and collective reflection, from different theoretical perspectives, on the nature and scope of the “clash of images” that has been part and parcel of the “war on terror” from the beginning. The Abu Grahib prison photographs, the videos of the arrest and execution of Sadam Husseim, the systematic concealment of North American casualties in Irak and the demonstrations throughout the Islamic world triggered by the Danish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, have been some of the most notorious episodes –if by no means the only ones – of this clash. This call for a public reflection must take as a key analytical starting point the opposition between iconoclasm and iconolatry.


Keti Chukhrov, Graham Coulter-Smith, Anthony Downey, Marco Scotini, Carlos Taibo y Joseba Zulaika

See CV's

Information and enrolment

Language of the Seminar: English and Spanish

CENDEAC is accessible for wheelchair users and people with diminished mobility. Whenever possible, we will strive to provide on request a transcript of papers for users with impaired hearing.

Auditorium Capacity: 140 people
Free entry to those who do not wish to receive an attendance certificate (paying users will be granted preferential entry if the auditorium reaches its full capacity).

In order to enrol and obtain a certificate of attendance, you need to:
- Attend all sessions of the course
- Fill in the enrolment form
- Pay the appropriate fee

Fee: 30 € professionals, 15€ students, unemployed and OAPs (proof of status will be required). Free for holders of a Friends of CENDEAC card.

In order to enrol online it is necessary to fill in the enrolment form and make a payment for the appropriate fee WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF ENROLMENT to CAJAMURCIA bank, Account Number  2043 0090 32 0200550928,  specifying as a concept the name of the seminar and SENDING ONE COPY OF THE PAYMENT RECEIPT to CENDEAC (you can do this by email or fax in order to save time and avoid de-enrolment, however, if you are de-enrolled you will be enrolled again on receipt of your payment slip). Alternatively, you can enrol and pay your fee at the CENDEAC office (Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4p.m. to 8 p.m.).

Antiguo Cuartel de Artillería. Pabellón 5.
C/ Madre Elisea Oliver Molina, s/n
30002 - Murcia (España)