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Lecture by Arjen Oosterman


Lecture by Arjen Oosterman
Arquitecture of Peace

12th of May. 8:00 p.m. .
Salón de actos, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Murcia
C/ Jara Carrillo 5, Murcia

Architecture of Peace
City and citizenship are, de facto, the dominant form of existance now more than half of the world population is living in cities. Simple and straightforward as these notions may seem, they are constantly challenged. The right to the city, the fight for place and space, exclusion, segregation, minorities being marginalized or expelled, all this is happening within city boundaries. And it is not something far away, exclusively happening in third world or war-torn countries, but part of our western societies too. The Architecture of Peace program is looking into these mechanisms with a special focus on post-conflict areas. This ranges from post-war reconstruction, as in Beirut, Kabul and Prishtina, to addressing potential conflict in poor neighborhoods and redevelopment areas. In short: how do we materialize peace? To be meaningful and real, citizenship needs peace as precondition. Citizenship in its democratic and inclusive sense.


Arjen Oosterman (1956) is currently editor-in-chief of Volume magazine.He was trained as an architectural historian at the University of Utrecht. As an educator he has taught architectural history and thesis writing at architecture schools in The Netherlands. He is also engaged in curriculum development. As researcher and writer he published in an array of Dutch and international magazines. He wrote and edited several books on contemporary Dutch architects and architecture. Next to lecturing and moderating he contributed to television documentaries, was member of juries and awards. Most recently he curated (with Anneke Abhelakh) an exhibition on the Dutch architect Jos. Bedaux, and co-organized the Architecture of Peace conference in Rotterdam.

Some articles can be found online at www.volumeproject.org